stuck at home with Corona virus?

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stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by phil »

Lets face it , it's all over the news. People are very stressed. people are having difficulties getting groceries or worried about elders and family.
If there is a bright side it might be that wee have eliminated many non essential activities and this is actually making a positive change toward the amount of fuel we burn, the pollution caused by unnecessary flights for vacationers and many other things.
One other positive is that maybe some are able to self isolate and that could give some people time to work on some projects and for many of us getting lost in an old house project is therapeutic. the traffic is very quiet. I dont personally follow professional sports and Ive actually been enjoying a break from hearing about hockey and such. that may not be everyone else's viewpoint as many enjoy it.

I hope everyone is safe and keeping their distance to stop the spread.
others are using online media in different ways. the forum can help those who enjoy reading the discussions and that may be able to serve a purpose of helping people who are isolated to have some human interaction in a safe way.

It's a difficult time for many and I think we should all make an attempt to keep the forum a friendly and helpful place. None of us really want the forum to be unfriendly and we all have a choice. My suggestion is that we all make a group effort to bury the hatchet. I started this thread so people can discuss the impact and what they are facing just so people can reflect. Its impacting everyone and some may want to talk about it.


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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by Gothichome »

Phill, this is what this forum is about, old home folks helping other old home folks and sharing our progress and maybe even some inspiration or motivation to get stalled projects done. My closet door, by the way is still stalled, company coming for the weekend, I bought I can convince them the start sanding :cry:

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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by Nicholas »

I know I haven't come here a lot lately but looking through the posts I saw that it looks like a lot of people are locked in their virtual old homes here on this forum.

Not much activity. :romance-grouphug: :sad-fever: :sad-fever: :sad-fever: :sad-fever: :sad-fever: :sad-fever:
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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by Gothichome »

Nicholas wrote:I know I haven't come here a lot lately but looking through the posts I saw that it looks like a lot of people are locked in their virtual old homes here on this forum.

Not much activity. :romance-grouphug: :sad-fever: :sad-fever: :sad-fever: :sad-fever: :sad-fever: :sad-fever:

Nicholas, yes. With many of us self isolating it offers some time to work on our old homes. If this carries on well into the summer, I can see many of us getting a lot of out doors work done. After all we will have nothing to do but hang around the house.
Let’s just hope it goes no further than voluntary. I would hate to be locked down like Italy, China and now parts of the US.

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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by phil »

I'd feel safer if I could self isolate but there is no lockdown requirement here in BC. So unless I fake sick or take time off with no pay, I'm still required to work, meanwhile Its spreading like crazy. I would love to just self isolate and work on some projects. Other provinces have taken it to a lock down level as well as US cities just south of here. Its rampant in north Washington. they closed the border, pretty much but not until they let a lot through with the virus. many flew in. Its worse here than anywhere in Canada but the directives are lagging for some reason.
We did some favors over the weekend I delivered a bunch of mattresses and some food and bedding to a family in need Saturday. the beds were cleaned and packaged up nicely and provided by a charity. I took them a bit of food and my old TV , some furniture and food from a shuttered restaurant on Sunday. restaurants are closed or things like parks but not for my job. If the orders do come to say home except for essential services I have lots of projects waiting for me and Id be more than happy to be able to self isolate without pretending sick. If I pretend to be sick I use up my sick benefits starting now . I may be wise not to pretend but many are. I'm pondering asking for leave without pay but that's a financial hit. Girlfrined is upset because she's laid off and its very stressful for her. I'm a little stressed by the dangers. I'm trying to keep my nose clean and do my job with a positive attitude like a good little soldier. I'm lucky I deal with machinery at least it wont get sick. I'm learning to decontaminate surfaces. I think it dies on surfaces after several days but prior to last week everyone was sharing tools in close proximity with no decontamination. Luckily no reported cases near me but it's a weird feeling just being out there because the enemy is invisible.
Stay safe, It's a community responsibility to stop the spread. If you can stay in I'd highly recommend it. No one is immune to this one. people can be carriers and not know it.
If we feel sick we are supposed to call 811 but there are delays of hours in answering it. and then they say stay home and self isolate, I dont know anyone that actually got tested. It's spread into the general community now. The doctors, nurses and care aid jobs got really dangerous. the first care home to be infected has 10 dead, 30 staff infected. now we have about 6 care homes infected within about 10 miles of me. the numbers are changing rapidly by the day. I haven's seem my mum for over a month because I don't want to be the one to infect the home. Over the weekend they made a directive to keep families out of care homes except certain circumstances while they deal with the emergency. at least I dont have to feel guilty for not visiting mum. shes elderly and has limited conception of time so maybe she's less worried than the more aware ones.

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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by awomanwithahammer »

Yes, here we are. Still. Although I am "retired", my husband is in what is supposed to be his last semester of teaching nursing. Thank goodness he finished up his clinicals before this hit, so no more hospitals! He's still working on getting the rest of his lectures online.

I'm definitely feeling the stress. I've quit working on my reno house because, although, with no one else there, I think I'm as safe there as I am at home, I am trying to follow recommendations to stay home.

I've started sewing face masks, using my fabric stash. Once that's gone, I don't know what I'll do. I'm also responsible for my 86-year-old mother, who lives in an apartment around the corner from me. I guess I'm grateful she's not in a nursing home, although we've been on a waiting list for a senior center for almost a year.

I hate the stuff that's coming out of the US government, from the White House on down to the Tennessee governor, to our local officials. There's no guidance, no leadership, nothing but chaos. We need Captain Picard, but what we've got is Captain Jack Sparrow.

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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by phil »

I think it was in Ottowa, the city posted signs to keep two meters apart with figures of three people, two meters apart. Some brilliant citizen made modifications and changed them to figures taken from Monte Python. There was an ongoing skit then with the "ministry of silly walks" where they got government funding to develop funny and very awkward looking walking strategies.
Although everyone may not appreciate such humor , at least it was a bit of light humor amidst the craziness. ... illy_walks

many are going stir crazy being not used to having so much time off. some are enjoying it. some, like me are working, but keeping distance from everyone anyway.
Hoping none of our fellow readers are sick with it. What is happening is horrible and it may be a while before we see things go back to any sort of normal. Mom is in a care home , I cant see here but they occasionally call and do video chat or a phone call. she's got some dementia which seems to make her less worried about things than she may be if she were more aware. I'm glad they locked the doors to reduce the danger anyway.
Here's hoping that in time we will have an immunization. that would sure change the economics and hopefully save a lot of lives. I keep thinking they should offer those that are through it well paid secure front line jobs with a special quick and direct course. They could be saviors if they are now immune. I'm not sure we know if that is practical and of course many would need to change their career path to assist.

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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by Wackyshack »

I was initially hoping that I was going to get a few weeks off because I had plans for the property, but found out that I work in a store that is considered essential. That pretty much kills the hopes for getting stuff done. I am working every other day, which only leaves me one day to do something meaningful that won't exhaust me for a job with some physical demands. I end up staying late almost every shift to restock because the traffic never stops and we can't keep up with it, (small mom and pop store). Hubby is home, and I wanted to motivate him to clean under the barn and the cellar, but it has yet to happen.

The weather as been especially rainy up here in New England. Seems like the days I work it is sunny. If there is one day out of the week that is somewhat decent, I need it to prep the garden for planting, but it is so unseasonably cold that what I planted 2 weeks ago is barely coming up, I think the other 2 boxes I planted with cold weather veggies failed (it snowed on the 12th). Today I planted more using the "every 2 week" mantra.

I did manage to clean part of the cellar (the stuff that I deal with, as I am not allowed to touch anything of hubby's). Every trash week the recycle and trash are filled to the top, which makes me feel like I have managed my time well with what I have to work with.

When I have the brain cells, I need to design, measure and order windows for the house. Well as many as I can buy once I find out what the final drop is on them. The other issue will be trying to find someone when it is safe to do so, to install them. I am sure everyone is going to be getting in line for the good carpenters. My plumber was told when he comes back into the game I have 2 filtration systems for him to put in. They are sitting in the basement. They came the day after the announcement of the shutdown.

It is what it is. We'll see how much I can get done before my number is up... we are just playing the game of: let's see how long we last, as we are not sure we are going to escape infection.
Just taking it one day at a time.
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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by phil »

my girlfriend has been off. Its difficult for some as it plays into one's psychology. We have been having some silly arguments due to the effects and I went into that then thought no it isn't the place to air dirty laundry. . Its just got a lot of people down and it can be very trying for relationships. I sort of have a 1930's mentality toward spending anyway and I'm happy to go work on some solo project to keep busy. we just dont want to lay out money due to uncertainty. I think I was always interested in the era of the 30's but now I feel im living in it in some ways. as you say though when the controls are lifted many will go back to work full force. No one knows how long that will take so we are all hunkered down eating our bowls of rice and wondering if we can get toilet paper or if we have an old sears catalogue ;-)

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Re: stuck at home with Corona virus?

Post by Manalto »

I have a feeling both the divorce rate and birth rate are going to see an increase in the upcoming months.

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