Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

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Lily left the valley
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

Have you ever written an e-mail or letter, then not sent it, then had a conversation with the intended recipient who suddenly seems to know what it says? Yep, that happened today.

Mortgage guy calls to tell us what we already had figured out on our own. Hooray for putting down 4% instead of 3%. The difference made the difference.

Once soon as he has the amendment, they can supposedly finish up whatever it is on their end and give us a date and real and true closing costs that will indeed, we're told, be paid in full without any additional money from our own pocket. There was even a hint that out of what is leftover might come back to us. I've decided to reserve a spot on The Fainting Couch just in case this finally unfolds as we had asked for (and were told could not happen) not so long ago.


Don't mind us, we're just tooling around in our Sloop of Frustration, trying to look relieved and not keep saying out loud, "Why didn't they think of this a month ago?" over and over and over again.
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by SkipW »

"I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...."

You'll get up the hill soon :-)
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

SkipW wrote:"I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...."

You'll get up the hill soon :-)

As long as we're not trying to push the piano! ;-)
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

So now when we get those big white envelopes from our bank, I find myself opening them with morbid curiosity.

The documents inside are supposed to be the final closing paperwork that we're supposed to receive (in a perfect world) seven days prior to closing. We've learned that we're not in the perfect world, so we take each reading with a grain of salt, knowing that more changes are on the way. Each version of the documents is a little more accurate in some line items, and still terribly off in others. (Our home owner's insurance, for instance.) Then there are other line items that have changed both up and down, and I haven't the faintest idea why. This one is the most accurate so far, but still has the wrong loan amount with another passed by closing date that didn't happen as the marker for "Pre-paid Interest", so I think the next one maybe will be the one with all the right numbers. It's hard to guess, but right now I'll take all the fun I can get out of such odd speculation.

The last time I called about the mistakes, mortgage guy said, "That's not the final, so don't worry." So I'm wondering, how do I know which one is the real final? Which one is the right one to call and say, "I hate to point this out, but it's still wrong,"? I guess the one with a closing date that is both in the future, and also possible for spouse's schedule. :confusion-scratchheadyellow:

The delay in giving us a closing date at this point has cost spouse work. I found myself having to write a note to the person in charge of contacting folks about this or that explaining that although spouse has x days off next week, he's already had other post offices call him asking him to work. So even if they don't know when we're closing, can they at least tell us when we definitely will not close, since they know everyone's schedules better than I? At least that way, he can accept work with peace of mind and stop losing work which is already been dinging his paychecks at a time we can ill afford such. (I didn't use quite those words for the latter bit, but said it in a polite way while emphasizing we are past the point of having the luxury to reserve multiple days off trying to be flexible.)

Yesterday was had quite fair weather, compared to what's been happening in the last week. Only a dusting fell, and a lot of snow did melt, relatively speaking, due to a strong sun most of the day. Temperatures are supposed to climb up to the low forties in the coming days, so perhaps by the time we do close, most of the worst of the icy sidewalks and mounds of snow piled up in front of the bungalow from the plows will be just a memory. The temperature will dip back down as next week progresses, but at least now there's no more forecasting of snow in the next week and change.

We've been debating again our plan of when to move the essentials to be over there or not. I know part of this is we're simply at the point were we just want to be there more than we want to keep sleeping here. It's a definite 180 from our original plans, which was to move all the non essentials over first since we weren't (and still aren't) sure of when we'll be able to get a fridge over there. I've actually started looking at some references I had set aside before about cold storage methods, and trying to use the outdoors temperature in near freezing weather to one's storage needs advantage. I figure if worse comes to worse, the nearest chain grocery store is less than a 15 minute walk each way, so I can always do a daily shopping run if things get so tight the first month that we can't spare the funds for a fridge.

I also found myself last night looking at photos of the kitchen, and trying to figure out what was going to go where in the cabinets. This is something I've never even considered before when we have moved, so I'm not really sure why now it felt necessary. Yes, it could help me unpack faster if I have most of it figured ahead of time, but it still felt funny (and not in a bad way) at the same time.

One thing I've also been thinking about is the broken mirror bits we have that came along with the vanity we bought from his retired co-worker. I may be able to mount one of them in the downstairs bath for the time being where the vanity hole currently sits empty so we at least have a mirror in there for the short term.

Lots of little bits like my kitchen and mirror ponderings have been creeping into the spaces that for a long while have mostly been plagued by worries and doubts. That's not to say that we feel like we're home free, but it made me feel a bit more positive, realizing my brain is remembering how to spend its idle time constructively rather than in "oh noes" mode. ;-)

Oh--one thing I forgot to mention. When we did our final walk through (now oh too many days before whenever closing might be to be normal), the seller's realtor did take down the For Sale sign, at least in part. The empty metal frame is frozen into the ground, so it's still sitting there. I was almost tempted to make something to slide in there that says something like:

Your NEW neighbors.
We look forward to meeting you.
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

One question on our minds: when there is a significant time gap (going on weeks now) between your walk through and when Closing gets pushed back to, do you get another walkthrough? We don't even know if we'll ask about it, but we are curious if it's something that happens or is just weird to ask about.

So we have another holiday tomorrow, which means there will most likely be no word about closing again. Spouse started picking up work to fill open days, given the three day prior policy the paralegal wrote back last week.

The first apartment showing fell through, but the landlady's realtor seemed fairly certain the Tuesday would be the more likely out of the two. I'm still horrified at the idea of anyone seeing the place as it looks now. Didn't get much re/packing done of late, and somehow we are at that point where a half dozen mixed over time boxes are being sorted out into many other boxes so that looks like a huge mess visually. It will all pay off when we move, I know, so I am merely reporting--not complaining! I found the ad for the apartment, and it does say May, possible April start. I was worried it would say April with possible March. It reminded me of when we moved here. The couple had also bought a home, and they had delays, so the mid-month start didn't happen, and we had to scramble to find spouse a place to live for the two weeks.

I still cannot find the other vacuum. I am starting to think it might have been buried under lighter boxes on the sunporch. We're planning on using that as the load up then load out room since the snow seems to be steadily melting, so it might not be too difficult to move out the same path we moved in here. Otherwise it's tight stairwell if we have to go out the side door. (For a while, from the front of house to the street was just mounds of snow, and you could see the drifts where I had dug out the first time for the front paths and sidewalk.) Hopefully the weather continues to co-operate as we near the end of calendar winter.

Spouse received a cryptic e-mail from the bank late on Friday even though the timestamp was early in the morning asking for information as to the source of funds we used to pay off the blood debt. :doh: So we're back to the "all bets are off where Closing might happen for reals" mindset. Oh, speaking of the blood debt, we got a refund check back from the court! The overpaid interest, and it's basically a buck and a half. We laughed a bit too long at that.

Not sure if I mentioned this recently, but our original Closing Date was supposed to be January 3rd. We're now joking that we'll be thrilled if we manage to close by March 3rd.

We did manage to stop by the 2nd hand store to see if the other half of that one wheel from the office chair was findable, but was not. She said I should stop by this week, as she has boxes and boxes of odd and end wheels. So I might not have to buy a new replacement after all.

When I tried to do a quick tidy up on Saturday of my desk when I thought the showing might still happen, I managed to drop a pile of paperwork that I'm still resorting. Some is from several houses ago. :oops:

Otherwise, mostly quiet weekend. No frantic phone calls from our realtor. I guess we get one more peaceful day before it all revs up again.
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Texas_Ranger »

I figure if worse comes to worse, the nearest chain grocery store is less than a 15 minute walk each way, so I can always do a daily shopping run if things get so tight the first month that we can't spare the funds for a fridge.

You really should be able to find something that cleans up well on Craigslist or something for close to free!

We paid 40 Euros (roughly $45) for our fridge/freezer combo and only paid that much because it was a relative's - in any other case I'd probably have said "a tenner or keep it!" considering it was 15 years old. Only when we had it home we realised that the fridge part's door gasket is damaged in one spot. It doesn't seem to leak too badly so we've been using it without any ill effects on our electricity bill. We were in a bit of a pinch to get a new fridge since our old (early to mid-90s I think) Electrolux just died on us, shot compressor.

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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by SkipW »

Every house I have purchased, we did the walk through the day of the closing. I don't think it would be out of bounds to ask politely to do another walk through. After all, it should only take 15 minutes to quickly give the house an inspection.
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Gothichome »

Lily, sounds like the bank is worried about thier mortgage risk. And should thier be a default they don't want to fight with a large fellow in a big black car named Vitto. For thier money.

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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by Lily left the valley »

Not really an update, update: About 4pm on Tuesday, got a call from our realtor saying he talked to mortgage guy, and they still needed something from us regarding the blood debt. So apparently what spouse wrote back to the e-mail he got last Friday evening wasn't what they wanted.

So I call mortgage guy, and ask why I have to hear this from our realtor at the end of day Tuesday. :naughty: What they wanted was a copy of the actual check we sent to the court. I almost chewed out mortgage guy when he said they couldn't find any info on it, when the check was drawn up by their own bank, with funds from spouse's account at same. :doh: So instead I then scanned it and all related paperwork to the blood debt, and sent it ALL to the underwriter folks. "Let them chew on that," I foolishly thought.

Apparently, I overwhelmed them with all three pages' worth, as we haven't heard a peep since then. ;-) Thank goodness spouse listened to me and picked up more work this week or he'd have been out of sorts yet again!

The Sloop of Frustration is still sailing, and we really hope to not be passengers for much longer.

Texas_Ranger wrote: {snip}You really should be able to find something that cleans up well on Craigslist or something for close to free!
Aye, I've been looking at CL, but around here, not much is free that works, and some prices on the unit size we need for our tiny kitchen are plain stupid. The original plan was to buy a new mini if only because sometimes they just up and quit, but the blood debt--it sucked up everything we had for closing, and we've been trying to find what we can since then in case the "new math" variant of our mortgage doesn't pan out as well in our favor as promised. We'll know better once we finally get the real actual 3 day prior documents. Of course the joke is if they put off closing another month, we won't have to worry about keeping enough funds on hand for our last month's rent! :lol: Then buying the fridge will be a breeze.

SkipW wrote:Every house I have purchased, we did the walk through the day of the closing. I don't think it would be out of bounds to ask politely to do another walk through. After all, it should only take 15 minutes to quickly give the house an inspection.
Good to know. My gut said as much, but I honestly didn't know what's what in such a case. Thank you!

Gothichome wrote:Lily, sounds like the bank is worried about thier mortgage risk. And should thier be a default they don't want to fight with a large fellow in a big black car named Vitto. For thier money.
:lol: This put a much needed smile on my face!
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Re: Hullo from the "there be dragons here" area of MA

Post by eclecticcottage »

You are well within your rights to ask for another walk through when you get a new closing date set. The general purpose is to be sure everything is still as it should be, and if there's been a gap, it just makes sense to get a new one. I had my walk through on the Bungalow the day before-oddly, there was a clause that it had to be 24 hours before closing and not any sooner (so no day of). My realtor knew the people that lost the house so I figured there wouldn't be any last second shenanigans from anyone breaking in so I went with it. We didn't do a walk through on the Cottage-we already had the keys (like a month or two before we closed lol).

As for the fridge, have you joined Freecycle in your area yet? You might be able to post a wanted there for one. Also, try Facebook (if you have one) and look for a local "garage sale" group. I see a lot of stuff posted on our local FB group that never makes it to CL.

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