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Hi again and an update.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:55 am
by Nicholas
....and its not much because I haven't done much since last visit.

<-- see that avatar pic? I just wanted to share this view as it appears today, and how I mitigated "The Great Wall"

Back story: This lot to the south of me was vacant up to a year ago, owned by the church that backs up against my property to the west, once part of the original family farm here at BumbleBee. The church almost sold it back to me, I had cash in hand, but they decided to build a new home for the Padres.

So, after 18 months of construction noise, as at the same time a brand new house went up across the street from me, I am finally back to peace and quiet, except for the view.

So pics below, the after view in avatar, and my planting of four bottlebrush trees, mixed with some creative fencing. With their blooms twice a year of red bottlebrush shaped flowers, these trees attract butterflies, humming birds and....bumblebees! (or honeybees).

They grow to about 20 feet in height, therefore I planted one in front of the eyesore power pole, which has been replaced by the power company. I also planted groups of these very hardy purple flower plants in between, that bloom year round, and eventually could become a hedge..

Anyway, still have some fence sections to figure out, I have this idea of taller picket sections in between the trees to break up the view without making it confining.

Thats my story, thanks for sticking the face in the place! :wave:

Re: Hi again and an update.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:30 am
by Neighmond
Haloo again! Good to know you are all right. I always liked your house.

Re: Hi again and an update.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:55 pm
by mjt
Welcome back!

Re: Hi again and an update.

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 10:57 pm
by JacquieJet
You have such a nice house. Thanks for the update! Glad things are going well!

Re: Hi again and an update.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:24 pm
by Nicholas
Hey Thanks! :-)

Here is the link to the upcoming Strawberry Festival, went there last year, its walking distance from my house, top acts and other fun: