Greetings from the Heartland!

Introduce yourself here, tell us about your house and interests. Share some pictures.
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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by Don M »

dpkmpy8 wrote:Kansas - in short, not a chance. Currently there is no heat, water, and the electric service is a temporary panel in the living room., we chose to gut the wiring, plumbing, etc, and start over. Too much of it was damaged from the freeze it suffered during forclosure.

The radiators are going (they all froze and every one is cracked along with the boiler and supply lines), so if you really like the cover, I can make you a deal! ;)

That's a shame, so sorry so much damage was done to the house. So at foreclosure the bank turned off the power & heat? :shock:

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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by Gothichome »

Dpk, in life even an ugly guy like myself found some one willing have me. Glad your home found some one to love and save it.

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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by dpkmpy8 »

Actually, Don, the bank was paying the power and gas bill through the entire process. Someone came in the house and turned off the gas feed to the boiler during the coldest week of the year. The Realtors in our county simply use a lockbox that opens with a key, so any Realtor had access. It is unknown if the house was shown and someone just messed with the valve, or if it was done maliciously. I suspect the owner who was loosing the house did it to try and claim insurance. He was loosing the house because he re-financed it for as much as he could, took the positive cash and bought a house in his disabled son's name in another town with cash, and moved there. He then sent his son to a group home in that town, and he and his wife just let the other house go. They could not go after his assets, as he had hidden them in a trust for his son. Pretty smart move, if you don't mind screwing the bank.

When I talked with my loan officer, who lives up the street and is president of the bank, and also a good family friend, he simply asked if there was anything I had to do to the house now that i didn't intend on doing in time. There really was no project I now have to do that I would not have had to do, it just needed done before I could live there. He also pointed out that if I could buy it cheaper this way, I would come out ahead. He said "If you still want it, I'll loan you the money. I don't want to see it torn down or fall apart, or turn into another falling down rental. I know you won't let that happen." It is nice that he cares about the community so much to risk the loan. By the by, he has been paid in full. We own it outright, just don't have the funds saved to fix it all up. Long story, I'll bore you with that another day.
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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by heartwood »

what a grand old house...quite an interesting story about the banker/friend, that kind of stuff warms my is hard to come by but you all came through...I look forward to hearing more about your projects once you have the time and money...

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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by Don M »

It's good to know the banker really is concerned about the community & that things worked out for you as well. It is too bad about the damage to the house.

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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by Foursquare »

That is a truly fantastic looking house, and that it has all of the original details intact is a treasure. I visited a friends old house yesterday and it too has all the old details still intact. It was like walking back in time since so many have been renovated and modernized-- and lost some of the character

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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by Chevygirlalways »

What a beautiful old house.:) I can see why you wanted to save it. How nice the banker cared about saving that home. Best of luck and keep us updated.


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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by nhguy »

It's rare to have a small community based bank, I thought that only happened in the movies now. I look forward to seeing your progress with your project.

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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by Sara »

nhguy wrote:It's rare to have a small community based bank, I thought that only happened in the movies now. I look forward to seeing your progress with your project.

I'm in the banking industry.. software, specifially.. but you'd be surprised then! There are still a lot of hometown banks out there. They really thrive in Ag communities.

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Re: Greetings from the Heartland!

Post by nhguy »

Sara wrote:
nhguy wrote:It's rare to have a small community based bank, I thought that only happened in the movies now. I look forward to seeing your progress with your project.

I'm in the banking industry.. software, specifially.. but you'd be surprised then! There are still a lot of hometown banks out there. They really thrive in Ag communities.

Well it's good to know there are still small banks that help build a community.

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