Saga of a relcaimed brick deck

Saga of a relcaimed brick deck
The long time previous owners loved cement. The drive way went around the house and they left 2 small grassy areas around the house. To me it didn't work. Hubby wasn't excited about such a small patch of grass to mow. I suggested a brick pad. Took over 900 reclaimed bricks from Craigslist. Some we go for free, others we paid for. It meant straightening out the cement barrier and breaking up the cement walk way.
The plastic on the stairs was removed soon after. We ended up working on the back stairs shortly after. We thought we had another year, but the stairs told us no way.
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Saga of a relcaimed brick deck

Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:26 pm

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Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:21 am

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