Holly Day Rambles

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Lily left the valley
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Holly Day Rambles

Post by Lily left the valley »

Phil and I were starting to veer into holly day chat in an unrelated thread, so I thought maybe it should get its own thread since the discussion is fun, and I want it to continue. This way it won't derail anything on the other, and other folks might feel more free to jump in as well. :D

I was saying about how we'll not be buying a tree this year, since we're saving up for the house we should be closing on in January. We do have a little tabletopper fake tree we've had for years, so there will be a token tree.

We were also talking about scaling back in spending. On that note, I recall many a January as a child where heated conversations ensued over CC bills from Xmas spending. It was part of why I was determined to not do the overspending in later years when I was an adult. Before we met, my spouse had a habit of giving everyone the same inexpensive but thoughtful present. (e.g. One year it was action figures with a "you are my hero" theme. ) When we married, we kept to that tradition. Many of them, at least in part, of a home made variety. I like home made gifts even when they're not my style, as it were. My dad's parents used to give everyone a homemade each year before they passed, with maybe a little fun money inside for the youngsters. A few years it was a Xmas ornament. My favorite is a mailbox with our family name on it. My grandfather painted them all. That one always makes the tree.

One year, since we love antique marbles, we gave everyone a small mason jar with the flip close at the top filled with an assortment of old marbles to make up a standard "set" to play, making sure we pointed out which ones were the Christmas Tree style. Many folk joked about finding our marbles that year. :lol: (When I was a kid, I grew up in a shore town, and we used to have marble tournaments each summer on the beach. They may still, I don't know. They had I think it was maybe four or six huge poured concrete slabs on raised platforms just for that tournament.)

Another year we gave out a partly handmade game. In my family we play a Rummy variant we called Hearts, but it's not the game folks usually think of when hearing that name. Everyone got a small round cheesebox with a folded felt gameboard, a deck of cards, and a copy of the rules inside. The short version of the rules is you have a board where each round, everyone throws a penny on each spot for "penny" cards, almost all of which are heart suite. If you have one of the penny cards and you you play it before someone else runs out of cards, you get to take however many pennies have collected on that spot. At the end of each summer, my family would take the tin that had all the "Kitty" pennies in it, and cash them in before going to get ice cream at a favorite place in Stone Harbor, NJ.

Now, as we're older, there's very few gifts we give out, since we rarely can get everyone together at once given how widespread each of our family branches have become. I kind of miss the "everyone gets the same" presents. They were fun to plan and give.
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Re: Holly Day Rambles

Post by Deb »

I couldn't wait to decorate this year! Took me 3 days to decorate the tree, then Mike decided it was leaning a little and decided to try to straighten it. I watched as the tree fell in slow motion and ended up very straight, on the floor! I had to laugh...to keep from crying. I am so picky about my trees, having to place each ornament "just right". My daughter told Mike that she and her brother would wait until I finished the tree, and then they would move ornaments after I went to bed, just to drive me crazy.

Found this on FB, and sent it to them telling them that they should be ashamed of themselves...it's a disorder, almost like a disease, and there they were, making fun of me!
decor.PNG (394.42 KiB) Viewed 331 times

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Re: Holly Day Rambles

Post by Lily left the valley »

Hee. POPD. I think I know a few folks with that. Don't forget to post photos in the "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!" thread.

I'm hoping to do what little deco we'll likely do this weekend. Spouse is already running ragged with the Post Office pace having picked up weeks ago. I'm amazed at how many homes here already have the trees up and fully decorated on display in front windows already. More so than exterior lights, which is what I'm used to seeing more of earlier in the month.

Ugh. Thinking of outdoor lights just reminded me of the two bushes we need to move at some point next year at the bungalow. Whomever planted them did so without consideration to the mature spread of them, and they are too close to the porch. I hope we don't kill them, as they look older and they've got berries! I love berry bushes.
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Re: Holly Day Rambles

Post by phil »

With my siblings as kids we exchanged presents and it eventually turned into limits on presents and then we tried adding but Garage sale items are ok . It's surprising what you can get at a garage sale during the summer for that so it made it fun. One year we did one where the rule was " bring something you don't want anymore" now that was fun. It's also a push back against commercialized waste. Everyone interprets it differently so the presents can be funy or useless crap or legitimate stuff you can actually use. Since we are all kind of hoarders it wasn't hard to look around and find something off the wall to bring.
I love the holiday and the chance to visit with friends and family. I refuse to buy useless crap that ends up getting buried as more pollution. Blocking some of the advertising media and not going to the mall helps. I actually usually do go to a mall once a year just to see the displays and watch shoppers run franticly to buy crap but I am relieved that we as a family have gotten over the Christmas guilt and try our best to not play into the commercialization of Christmas.

My brothers family took a different approach. instead of celebrating Christmas they celebrate winter solstice, that moves their day away from the 25th. I think it's not a bad idea. in some ways it's more authentic because it dates back way further.

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Re: Holly Day Rambles

Post by Lily left the valley »

My dad used to go to some yearly college group reunion, and it was that sort of present swap. One present that always showed up was one of those huge stuffed snakes you could win at a carney that could barely fit in a compact car. No one EVER wanted that thing, so it would always come back the next year. :occasion-snowman:

Due to an online game I play, I got into the habit of using "holly days". Between the Swedish and the Alsatian-German bits of my heritage, I think I've always experienced older aspects with Yule Goats and such around. A neat lady I met many years ago at a Summer Stock I worked at told me that her family celebrated Children's Day for their son, which is also close to that time.

Speaking of malls...I remember one year, spouse and I were not thinking very clearly when we decided to stop at the mall to grab a quick bite before heading home when we had done some work at the studio we had back then. It was Christmas Eve, and I still have no idea why although we were braced for holiday shoppers, we just blanked that it was the 24th and thus an awful, terrible idea.

The entrance we took was just out of visual for the nightmare of a parking lot we soon found ourselves stuck. It took us an hour just to work around the outer circle due to how it was designed as far as exits and entrances. We still laugh about that day.

I think about a month ago now, spouse did ask what I wanted for Christmas, and I laughed. I said, "You're buying us a house! What more could I ask for?" I think that was even before we walked away from Pleasant, and bid on Baker.
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Re: Holly Day Rambles

Post by phil »

It's been snowing this year so it feels like christmas. all the stores are out of salt and shovels. driving got pretty nuts. I keep hoping they will close work and Ill get a paid day off but it hasn't happened. Since I took over half the house to do the living room reno the tree got vetoed by management. I even forgot to put up lights. I guess I will, Ill have a couple of weeks off. I'm saving energy, yea that's it.. my energy ;-) Hopefully Santa will see I'm being good despite it all. we talked about gift giving and decided we didnt' have to stress each other over it but we will get little presents for mom and the kids in our family. I had my contractor friend over last night and he checked out my drywall taping job and thought it was done pretty nicely. I figured he'd say gee isn't it done yet ;-) but he knows it's just a part time thing. Im planning to finish filling and strip the paint from the sills and window frames and tackle the ugly tile on the fireplace and then I can loose the old carpet and see what's with the floor and if I have to refinish it. I suspect I will want to sand them. After I'm done the floor I can put all the trim back. Ive done most of the paint stripping on the trim. We put the TV and loveseat in the living room so we just have that room to entertain now. In years past I have had a boxing day party but it'll be a quiet one this year. After this it's just the bathroom and hall that need an update. Im looking forward to a little normality but I keep telling myself I am enjoying the work and I am lucky to have the chance to do all this work. I took most of it on to try to block the sound of the traffic and despite still having leaky old windows it made a big difference. Storms will help but they can come after the room is back in use. Since the fireplace works and I have the heat blocked off in there Ive been having nice fires as I work. I chopped a huge pile over the summer and now it's paying off.

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Re: Holly Day Rambles

Post by Deb »

Phil, I am sure Santa will see that you've been good!! Your help here is MUCH appreciated, and I am sure it's earned you a top spot on Santa's "Nice List".

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Lily left the valley
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Re: Holly Day Rambles

Post by Lily left the valley »

*agrees with Deb*

We've finally had some wintry weather stick around here as well. Spouse even had to pull out his little spike slip ons for work a few days ago. I also just noticed we had another dusting last night, and I highly doubt our landlady's boy toy is going to bother coming over for a tidy up, so I'll probably be out with the chipper later today when the sun's had a chance to soften things up. They never cleaned the gutters out this year, so we've got water dripping down and causing a lot of ice already. What's problematic is the driveway is on the north side of the house, and in shade for most of the day since it slopes down to the west. Every time spouse complains about the driveway (it is rather steep), I remind him that hopefully in less than a month it won't be our problem anymore. :lol:

We've been trying to get last minute paperwork done for the mortgage, so decorating fell to the wayside. I should be sending the last of it out today, so maybe this week I'll finally get at least some lights up. I think on our street we have about a half dozen or so with lights out, although we have a lot of multifamily homes, so it's more seeing trees starting to pop up in windows.

Gardner as a city is pretty big on the deco. One park and a large tree on a road island on a main drag are all lit up, and they did wreaths with lights on the lamp poles downtown. I should try to take pictures some night.
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