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Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:35 pm
by Wooddhaven
Hi everyone. My wife and I purchased a home in Michigan in December and will finally be moving soon. The home we purchased is possibly an Italianate style built in 1855. We are very excited about getting moved (from Utah) and starting the long road of work ahead to bring this old home back to life. We've considered blogging the journey but we have never done that before. Is anybody else doing that? Is it difficult? Also is there anyone who can recommend an insurance company that will possibly insure this home? Ill try and add a few photos. Glad to be a part of this group.

Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 6:13 pm
by phil
wow what an awesome house. It looks so original and unmolested ! love the look and the porch.
Yes some have blogs, If you start one maybe have a look into getting your own space as a lot of the ones are on "free sites" and they muck around with the code and make popups and sign in's and make you sign away any rights to your images. webspace isn't too expensive. You could see if your ISP has some free space You might pay for already. That way you are in control of your own blog rather than being part of an advertising gimmick.

We had a lot of issues with people who linked to some of them and then what happened was the hosting service intentionally broke all the links so the posts they had made didn't make sense without the images they referred to. a lot of people I have spoken with are dropping facebook now too. I guess it ran it's course but they weren't very responsible with the data people trusted them with managing and it's kind of turned into a data mining business.. a lot of the other hosing services require the viewer to log in and that's an attempt to collect email addresses, so they can sell them to the spammers.. So what happens is people create their blogs that people can not access to view without giving them their email address during the sign in. Many people are savvy enough to have a spam address for signing onto sites like that while others just use their back button once they see the popups and stuff fire up.

Mick, our host, doesn't mind if you load up some images here and there is a gallery you can add to as well. If you'd enjoy creating a blog I think it is worth the time to look into how to do that on your own webspace, then you have better control of it after investing time to make it nice without a third party posting ads all over your blog.

If you load pics from your iphone or Ipad , they have a habit of changing perspective. I dont' know the solution but suspect that's why they came up as rotated. You can lock the rotation option on the device but I suspect that causes people not to realize that the pictures they are uploading are sideways as they still appear upright in their view on the device if the rotation is locked.

Everyone is going to be eager to have a look inside and to see and help with your projects. It looks like you are in for some satisfying work with the restoration.

Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:57 pm
by Manalto
Gorgeous! Keep those photos coming.

Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:36 pm
by Wooddhaven
Thank you for all the information Phil. Ill look into the blogging thing a little more in depth. Is there a page that might contain all the different blogs users of this site have?

I'm anxious to get started on the house.

Also thanks manalto!!

I can't wait to explore this site as time goes on.

Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:51 am
by heartwood
hello wooddhaven and WELCOME to the neighborhood!!
definitely got some Italianate going on's needs work
and I will assume you are under the age of 45 with plenty of
energy to turn into sweat equity...can't speak to the insurance
issue but I hope you don't have problems...i'm sure there'll be
a list of tasks they'll want you to tackle first...

here's to seeing more photos as the changes begin to take place!


Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:36 am
by Vala
She's a beauty for sure! Welcome to the district! We look forward to hearing about your projects!

Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:07 am
by nhguy
It looks like a great project and always good to see another old place saved for future generations.

Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:28 am
by Mick_VT
Hey Wooddhaven, welcome to the District! :wave: :wave: :thumbup:

Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:01 pm
by Sow's Ear Mal
Hi there! Congrats on your beautiful old house. It is certainly an interesting style! Please post interior shots when you can :) ...Mal

Re: Our intro - Michigan

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:23 am
by mjt
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing more of your house.

I've been blogging about my old house experience for quite a while and use blogger/blogspot from Google. It's quite simple and free.